Episode 103 Stinkin Thinkin And Metacognition (2) (1)

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and Metacognition

#103 Stinkin Thinkin and Metacognition

You have the ability to think about your own thinking. And you should! Because the way you are thinking affects your relationships with others, with yourself, and with the world around you. This summer I became a certified positivity practitioner with Dr. Paul Jenkins, and one of the things he talks about is stinkin thinkin and how those stinkin thoughts are creating problems for us in our lives and relationships.

You do have the ability to affect your own thinking, and in this episode, I’ll give you one very effective tool to help you with your own stinkin thinkin.

Take Aways:

  1. Change your focus and tell yourself a different story. 
  2. Be very careful about what you allow your brain to focus on. Choose to focus on thoughts that create good fruits and results in your life.

Challenge: Choose one thought in your brain and challenge it for a day. Look on purpose for evidence that something else could be true and see how your brain begins to see things you didn’t see before